Ask any actor what it was that drew them to a specific role and there's a good chance that they'll say it was the script.
A script becomes the blueprint from which the project is built. A faulty script will result in a video that won't stand up to our client's expectations. Without a good script, a video has no chance at captivating its audience regardless of the photography, editing and graphics.
A well-written script is essential.
MBP provides the scripting services for the majority of the work that we do. So, if you have an idea for a video, but don't know how to put it on paper, no problem. We can handle any topic, regardless of how technical, regardless of how dry. We can take those technical topics or those that aren't that exciting and put a new spin on them, giving them an energy that will come across in the final product.
If you prefer to script your own video, that's fine, too. We'll be happy to assist or make any suggestions.
The bottom line: Your video will have a script before one edit is made. We just wouldn't have it any other way. After all, who builds a house without a set of plans? |